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Explore Breathtaking Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh to Mekong

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Are you looking for a unique, exciting, and immersive cultural experience? Look no further than Vietnam, a travel destination with a fascinating mix of ancient and modern culture, lively food, and stunning landscapes. From floating markets to lush rainforests, Vietnam has something for everyone, whether you’re a young or family traveler looking for adventure. So come explore Vietnam: the best destination to discover and experience incredible culture and fantastic food!

During my first visit to an Asian country, I was introduced to its culture, food, and people who were warm, charming, and smiling.

Landing in Ho Chi Min City, we started our incredible journey with yummy Vietnamese food. I loved its simplicity and flavors. The soups will take us to the top of the world and the bamboo-flavored chicken curry needs to be at the top of the list.

Start of awesome Vietnamese food and forever fell in love

The city is bustling with two-wheelers and hurrying people, but with a lot of smiles.

Bustling streets of Ho Chi Min

People move around in conical bamboo hats and carry things in a simple efficient way that can be watched only with some amusement. We took a stroll down the street had some tea and mingled with the locals a bit. Though the language was a bit of a challenge, it was not stopping us or them to talk to us as some old lads were very eager to talk about Vietnam, the war stories and where to visit etc.

From the streets

From them, we gathered that we should visit the Cu Chi tunnels and pay a visit to the Mekong river where we can have some delicious river food.

So we walked to a nearby local tour operator and picked a full-day tour of the Mekong and Cu Chi tunnels. We were shocked by the cost of a tour in a group and it was less than $20! By then we had found that in most of Vietnam, the food prices were cheap but never expected this cheap. The next day we were right on time to board our bus and it was a nice clean bus.

The Cu Chi Tunnels

Between 1964 and 1973, the United States and Vietnam were engaged in a military conflict known as the Vietnam War. This war began with America’s first official involvement in 1950 when they sent military advisors to help train South Vietnamese troops. The Vietnam War was one of the longest wars in American history and had a profound impact on both sides of the conflict.

There are several sites around Vietnam that commemorate this period of history including the Cu Chi Tunnels (pictured), which are located 65 miles northwest of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). The Cu Chi Tunnels are an extensive network of underground tunnels that were used as hiding places for Viet Cong soldiers during the Vietnam War. During the war, Viet Cong soldiers would ambush U.S.-led coalition troops at various points in combat zones near these underground corridors before disappearing back into them; thus earning them nicknames like “Tunnel Rats” and “Snake Soldiers.”

The booby traps of the tunnel

Some portions of the Cu Chi tunnels are accessible to tourists. I braved into one of them and the initial feeling was suffocating. I was wondering how people could live in these tunnels, let alone pass through them. There were smokeless cooking ranges and chambers for folks to live in. The tunnels were made for the size of the Vietnamese people, so I doubt any big-sized American soldier could get into it.


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